Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jelly Candy 2

I like this version of chewy dried jelly and not too sweet. The part I like most that it has very smooth surface instead of floated sugar. It is not actually difficult to make. It was dried after only 3 days as the weather was hot when I made it. The recipe is from Zue Murphy but I made mine thinner & cut into shapes using cookie cutters.

50g Agar-Agar/Jelly strips
400g Rock Sugar
1 cup Sugar
8 cups Water
Color (I added emulco for flavour)

1. Boil jelly strips with water until melted.
Add in both types of sugar until melted.

2. Pour into shallow tins & add color & emulco.
I used green + Pandan, Red + Strawberry, Orange + Orange flavour, Purple + Yam.
When jelly has hardenend, cut with cookie cutters.
Arrange on a tray & sun dry. Flip few times to ensure evenly dried on both sides.

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